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IELTS: Determining organization

So let's organize for the IELTS Task 1 Writing.

In this part, we will look at how to organize the information that is provided so that we can prepare to write the second sentence.

This second sentence lets the reader know how you are going to organize the information in the graph, table or chart. Obviously a chart or graph is comparing two or more ideas so you need to state what kinds of things are being compared and how many.

  • Organized by numbers or time. In Britain in three time periods,

  • Organized by a group. In the case of females,

Let's look at steps to determine that organization.

STEP 1: Determine your categories. Find the categories in the chart.

STEP 2: Determine which category to organize the information by.

Generally speaking, it is better to organize the information by group and not by numbers or time.

Let's look at some easy examples and then go harder.

Step 1: What are the categories are in this example?

Example 1:

You have 2: Place and numbers.

Step 2: So which category is the most important? The one that is not the number so PLACE

Example 2:

Step 1: What are the categories in this example?

Causes of debt and numbers.

Step 2: So which one is the important? The one that is not the number so the causes of debt

Example 3:

With example 3, we'll get a little harder.

Step 1: What are the categories in this example?

If you can't quickly determine it, the graph often does it for you. How does it do that?

  • Well, besides the main title, you'll see other smaller pieces of information. Let's call them smaller titles.

  • Sometimes one piece of information is written from left to right and the other is written up and down.

  • One is a number like a percentage and the other or others are categories.

So what are the categories again in example 3?

percentage and years of life gained.

STEP 2: Which one should you organize the paragraph by? The one that is not the number so the years of life gained.

Now, we are going to look at some more complex examples. The question here is what happens when there are more than 2 categories?

Example 1:

STEP 1: First, you ask what are the categories here?

So what are the other pieces of information, the smaller titles?


Life expectancy

White Females

White Males

STEP 2: Then how do you choose which is the most important when we have more than 2 categories?

  • Get rid of the number or percent

  • Don't choose what is inside the chart like in the middle of the chart.

  • Choose what goes left or right or up and down.

Okay, so which one is the number or percent? Life expectancy. So don't use it.

Which one is written inside the chart? White females and white males. So don't use it.

So you can organize this chart by years: 1990, 2000 and 2008.

STEP 3: Organize the rest of the categories.

What goes next? The one that is not number. Which one or ones is that?

White females

white males

Then if you have more than 1 category like we do go in order from left to right. In our bar graph, we have the white females, the orange and then white males, the blue.

So in summary, our most important category is years and the years are broken down into white females and then white males. Obviously, when we describe them we talk in terms of numbers, which is life expectancy.

In this lesson, we looked at how to determine organization and the three steps to do that.

Step 1: Determine what the categories are.

Step 2: Determine which category is the most important to organization and

STEP 3: Organize the rest of the categories.

In our next lesson, we will practice these steps and practice writing sentence 2.

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