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Karen Peterson: ESL4Everyone
About Me

I have been teaching ESL for about 30 years and I absolutely love it!
In that time, I have had the opportunity to teach ESL at Georgia State University and at Georgia Tech, where I am currently teaching. I have also had the opportunity of traveling to a variety of countries including Brazil, Bosnia, China, Croatia, Haiti, Japan and Tajikistan.
I have met amazing people in traveling and in teaching. This site is for those students who I have met and had the privilege to teach. I hope this site helps them, many other students I haven’t had the privilege to meet in person, teachers and those interested in becoming teachers. It’s a great profession.
Testimonials, Fun Pictures and Videos
"One of my favorite writers, William Arthur Ward, once said: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher inspires. Karen Peterson inspires not just in a classroom but also through her involvement outside the classroom and through her love and compassion for others."
Soumanou Sabi Goura, a former student from Benin
To all my former students, I really do miss you when you're gone.

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